About Us

Hi there! Welcome to Case and Co. We are so happy you found our online store and hope you enjoy browsing our collections. To know our story is to know our son, Case, who inspired us to open this store. Case is the sweetest, most adventurous boy and the center of our world. He spends almost all of his free time outside exploring in the yard, mowing the grass with mom, and driving tractors with dad. Case’s biggest love is for the lake, where we spend all summer taking boat rides and swimming. Through these last two years, we have enjoyed designing and styling clothes to fit his personality and style, that are practical both in price and functionality.

We know the importance of safe, practical, and quality items for our most precious little ones. That's why we started our store to offer you the best deals in baby and toddler apparels. Our goal is to bring cute baby and trendy toddler clothes to parents at an affordable price.

Here you can find our absolute favorites in clothing sets and pajamas. We hand select our items and strive to bring to you unique, quality, and adorable products.

Enjoy & Happy Shopping! 🤍